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Additively manufactured high-performance heat exchangers

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video of additively manufactured high-performance heat exchangers

video of additively manufactured high-performance heat exchangers

Published on June 19, 2020

Combine the advanced geometry capabilities of nTop Platform with state-of-the-art CAE and CFD tools, like Ansys, to design high-performance heat exchangers. In this presentation, Maiki Vlahinos, Senior Application Engineer at nTop, describes the simulation-driven methodology he followed to improve the performance of an advanced heat exchanger by 300%; specifically, a Fuel Cooled Oil Cooler for aerospace applications. He argues that TPMS structures, such as gyroids, are an excellent candidate for this use-case because they:

  • Separate a single volume into different, independent, and continuous regions
  • Provide a large surface area for the minimum amount of material within a defined boundary
  • Reduce pressure drop by smoothly merging the two independent regions
  • Require no support structures during the additive manufacturing process

To access the files used during this session, click here.

This presentation was initially recorded at the CAASE20 conference.